Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Essay about Schizophrenia in A Beautiful Mind - 912 Words

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In the film â€Å" A Beautiful Mind† John Nash experiences a few different positive symptoms. The first of these positive symptoms are seen through the hallucinations John has of having a room -mate while at Princeton. This room- mate continues to stay â€Å"in contact† with John through out his adult life and later this room- mate’s niece enters Johns mind as another coinciding hallucination. Nash’s other hallucination is Ed Harris, who plays a government agent that seeks out Nash’s intelligence in the field of code- breaking. This hallucination of Ed Harris is the key factor in Nash’s delusional thinking. He has delusions of being a secret government aide that is helping the U.S. find bombs throughout the country†¦show more content†¦This is just one example, although a loss of feeling is one of the most predominate negative symptoms. Nash’s flat affect is seen through out the film in many instances but that scene that shows him holding the baby shows it in a way that almost anyone can relate to, assuming they are not afflicted by the same condition. The evidence of the cognitive symptoms, as with any disease, is more difficult to see externally in a person suffering from Schizophrenia. John Nash was not a very social person and I believe that this is attributed to the inability of expressing thoughts and feelings caused by the disease. His office in the movie looks somewhat like what I imagined the inside of his mind to look like; cluttered. Pictures on top of articles, on top of more pictures. There were papers hanging from the ceiling and string connecting pictures while forming patterns. One pattern I saw repeated a few times throughout the film was a spider- web image. This to me just shows how everything in his mind seemed as though it was connected in some way. Since neither me nor anyone else in my family is afflicted with this horrible, pain-staking disease, I have no first hand knowledge regarding the issue. It seems to me that a person can not understand this disease without beingShow MoreRelatedA Beautiful Mind (Schizophrenia)1631 Words   |  7 PagesA Beautiful Mind (Schizophrenia) In this essay I will discuss the mental disorder Schizophrenia and the ways in which John Forbes Nash the main character in the movie A Beautiful Mind dealt with it. I will also define the mental disorder; discuss the symptoms, the causes, the treatments, the relationship between violence and individuals who are diagnosed with Schizophrenia, the general public’s reaction towards people with Schizophrenia, and the ways in which people with Schizophrenia canRead MoreSymptoms of Schizophrenia Seen in A Beautiful Mind924 Words   |  4 PagesIn the film A Beautiful Mind John Nash experiences a few different positive symptoms. 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